Exploring the Lawu
(3days/3nights,2-4 persons)With this program, we take you to see the beauty of Mountain Lawu and her surroundings. The trip contains sight-seeing of the villages, plantations and other nature objects around the mountain and trekking to the summit.
To participate in this program, you need to be in a good health condition. We recommend you to do this trip during the dry season in Indonesia.
Things to bring: warm clothes including a waterproof jacket and a rain coat, trekking shoes, a flash light, personal medical and first aid kits..
Itinerary | Price & Booking | Terms & Conditions
Itinerary | Price & Booking | Terms & Conditions
Javanese Country Life Package
(2 days/2 nights trip, 2-4 persons)
A unique opportunity of experiencing a day of country life in Karangpandan. Not only you will get the opportunity to see how a Javanese village looks like, but to know the local people and their daily life as well. The program contains trips to local tourist’s sites from nature objects to an ancient Hindu’s temple, a tour around the village by foot, participating in an activity of the local people, dining in local favourite eateries... and having fun for sure...
Itinerary | Price & Booking | Terms & Conditions
( 1 day, 5-10 persons)
A programme which is designed for a group of at least 4 persons who do not stay at deLantus House but wish to have a fun short day-trip around Karangpandan area.
Itinerary | Price & Booking | Terms & Conditions
Itinerary | Price & Booking | Terms & Conditions
(1 day, 5-10 persons)
This is a trekking programme for those who want to enjoy more of the nature and the country view... Along the way you will see the rice fields, plantations and typical Javanese houses...
To bring: comfortable trekking shoes, sunscreen, a hat, your camera... Using insects repellent against the mosquito's and bugs is recommended.Itinerary | Price & Booking | Terms & Conditions